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Terms and Conditions

Highfield House Terms & Conditions

We hope you enjoy your holiday at Highfield House and we look forward to doing all we can to ensure we match your expectations of a first class holiday home.  


The boring but important stuff


I know it can be about as interesting as watching paint dry but it is important we share our house rules with you in advance in order for you to know what we believe to be the reasonable expectations we have set for all guests staying at our property.     


Please ensure you read and fully understand these booking terms and conditions. If anything is unclear, please contact us so we can explain in further detail to avoid any misunderstandings.

Bookings are subject to the following terms and conditions.


Before you arrive for your holiday

Money and Timing

Holiday Let Contract - Most importantly, a contract between you and us, the owners will come into existence when payment is received and a booking confirmation is issued showing the confirmed holiday dates. The contract binds you & all the members of your holiday group. It is important therefore that you share this information with all members of your holiday group.  When you enter this contract you, on behalf of any group staying with you accept the terms of the contract set out in these terms & conditions of booking. Please ensure you have told us everything we need to know as failure to disclose all relevant information or comply with these terms may lead to termination of the contract & loss of the booking. We don't want that to happen so please take the time now to make sure you are happy to sign up!

Non-refundable Deposit and Damage Deposit - A non-refundable 25% deposit of the holiday cost is payable at the time of booking. Bookings made less than six weeks before your arrival date must be paid in full.

Balance Payment - We respectfully ask that the balance of funds for your stay at Highfield House is paid no later than six weeks before commencement of your holiday.  Sadly, if you are unable to complete this step we will have to treat your holiday as a cancellation and you will remain liable to pay the full balance.  The reason for this is that it is unlikely that we will be able to let the property to someone else at such short notice. 

Letting - I am sure it goes without saying, but in no circumstance are you allowed to re-let or sublet the property, even free of charge.


Amendments - We reserve the right to make reasonable amendments or additions to these terms and conditions without notice




Cancellations – We do realise that from time to time problems occur like a worldwide pandemic that causes life as we know it to come to a grinding halt.  In circumstances such as this we do understand that everything changes for you and us.  However, we, like you, do not anticipate the proverbial lightning to strike again therefore if a problem does occur and you have to cancel your holiday booking we do require you to inform us in writing, preferably by email as soon as possible. If you cancel your holiday more than 6 weeks before it is due to start, then your deposit will be forfeit. If you cancel less than 6 weeks before the holiday, then the full balance remains due and is not refundable.  As I mentioned above, the reason for this is that we are unlikely to be able to let the property again at such short notice.  

Holiday Insurance Cover - In order to avoid the potential loss of your holiday payment we suggest it is a good idea that you take out comprehensive travel insurance that includes cover for cancellations. If you choose not to, then you accept the risk of any loss incurred due to your cancellation.

Cancellation by us - Your booking will not be cancelled by us (Babecs Properties Ltd.) except in exceptional circumstances beyond our control e.g. fire, natural disaster etc. Notification will be given regarding the cancellation as soon as possible and we will promptly refund all payments made for your holiday. Our liability for cancellation will be limited to payments made to us.

Who & How Many Can Stay

Maximum number of guests - the maximum number of persons using the accommodation at any time must not exceed six persons and only those listed on the booking form can occupy the property. Babies sleeping in carry-cots are not included in this number. It is very important you know about this as our insurance cover is limited to six persons.  If you exceed this number at any stage we reserve the right to terminate the booking without notice and without refund in case of a breach of this condition.   

No parties or events are allowed - Highfield House is situated in a residential area where people live throughout the year.  We don't want to spoil your fun and do very much want you to enjoy the facilities, especially the garden area, but we do respectfully ask you to be considerate towards others.  


Visitors - If you wish to invite others to visit you during your stay at Highfield House please do so.  We are sure you, like us, want to share the pleasure of this beautiful place with others.  However, you do need to remember the maximum number of guests allowed to stay.  If you have visitors it may be helpful for them to book accommodation locally in advance if they are planning to stay overnight.  Remember the rules; maximum number is six and they must all be named on the booking document.


Minimum Age Limit - Bookings cannot be accepted from persons under eighteen years of age.  Anyone under the age of eighteen who has the funds to attempt a booking is receiving far too much pocket money!


Refusal - We reserve the right to refuse a booking without giving any reason.  Unfortunately, we do have to insert this clause in our contract just in case it is ever needed.  


During your holiday


Maintenance and Inspection Visits - We don't want to disturb your holiday but we do like to ensure Highfield House is maintained to the highest standards.  This means that on occasions we may need to attend at the property during your stay.  With this in mind we or our representatives reserve the right to enter the property at any time to undertake essential maintenance or for inspection purposes.

Arriving and leaving times - Tenancies normally commence at 3:00pm on the date of arrival unless otherwise agreed and guests are required to vacate the rental by 10:00am on the day of departure. This allows the accommodation to be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for incoming guests.


Smoking -  We do not allow vaping or smoking anywhere on the premises. We realise that some individuals will be disappointed but we hope all our guests will appreciate the reason for this strict rule.  It is primarily for reasons of health and safety e.g. the increased risk of fire but also for the comfort and enjoyment of our many guests who do not welcome the lingering odours associated with smoking.  As mentioned earlier, this restriction is also part of our insurance cover which means that if it is discovered that any tenants, guests or visitors at Highfield House are smoking anywhere on the premises, including the garden area will result in the immediate termination of occupancy and forfeiture of all payments. This must be strictly adhered to and any damage or extra cleaning caused by smoking will be at your expense.  If you or any member(s) of your group are smokers we suggest you check out the facilities and areas in the village that can accommodate your needs. 

Pets - As dog lovers ourselves we realise this will be a holiday for your pets as well as yourselves.  With this in mind we are happy to accommodate up to two well behaved dogs at Highfield House.  There are a couple of ground rules that you need to be aware of:


No pets are permitted in the bedrooms. No eccepetions. Please ensure you bring your pets bed with you. Please don’t let pets onto the furniture, especially sofa’s. Guests are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Dogs must be kept on a leash when you leave the house. We know dogs, like their owners do get excited when they are enjoying themselves.  However, please be mindful of other people, particularly our neighbours.  Don't allow you beloved Fido to bark too much!

What if things get damaged or broken?

Damages and breakages - We realise that from time to time accidents can happen.  However, we believe it is reasonable for us to ask that you treat the facilities & accommodation with due care so that other guests may continue to enjoy them. If you notice something is missing or damaged please let us know immediately so that we can take the appropriate action. If there has been any damage or breakages during your stay, we would be grateful if you could report them promptly, preferably before check-out.  As you would expect, the accommodation will be inspected at the end of the holiday.  If it is discovered that item(s) have been damaged and/or broken you may be charged for any loss or damage.


Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings - Please do not move any furniture etc.  We believe the way we have set the rooms and facilities works well for the majority of our guests.  Please resist your inner feng shui voice to move things around as we will only have to move it back again at the end of your holiday.  As always, there is the ever present health and safety issue that I am sure you are all too familiar with!


Footwear - Please remove muddy/wet footwear before entering the house.  There is a boot rack in the porch for this very purpose.  Hopefully, at the end of your walk in the beautiful countryside you can look forward to relaxing with your comfy slippers in front of the log burner. Enjoy!

Doors and Windows - Ingleton is a quintessential Old English Village where crime tends to be something that happens only on TV or in books.  However, we don't want your holiday to be remembered for the wrong reasons so we ask you to lock the doors and close the windows when you leave the property unoccupied.

Switch it off - Please make sure you switch off lights, heating or any electrical appliances when you go out – we’re an eco-friendly holiday home in the cost conscious Yorkshire Dales!

Loss of Personal Belongings - Please note we are not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings or valuables of the tenant, guests or visitors during your stay at Highfield House.  As suggested previously, we encourage you to take out holiday insurance before your stay just in case.  


Temporary defects - Problems happen from time to time that we cannot anticipate.  We have made provision with various specialist services to cover problems relating to gas, electric, water and drains.  However, we cannot guarantee to cover every eventuality so reluctantly we need you to know that despite making every effort to avoid problems we shall not be liable for any temporary defect or malfunction of any equipment, machinery or appliance in the building, grounds or hot tub and sauna.  No compensation will be given for any temporary outage of electricity, gas, water, internet connection or television service.

Don't take anything with you - We are delighted with all the fixtures, fittings, furniture and facilities at Highfield House and we hope you enjoy them too.  Please resist the temptation to take a souvenir from the House.  When the inventory is checked after you leave we don't want to have to find a replacement that will need to be deducted from your deposit. 

What happens at the end of your holiday?

Keys - Please remember to place the keys back in the key-safe box when you leave.  Our next guests are likely to be arriving later that day and will need the keys to gain access.  If you lose or misplace the keys to Highfield House and we need to arrange replacements then the cost of replacement will be charged to you. 


Cleaning – You are on holiday so we don't expect you to go overboard cleaning and polishing at the end your stay.  All we ask is that you follow the instructions regarding what items to place in the coloured waste bins by the garage.  If you have pets we would ask you to ensure that you are particularly mindful of the next group of holidaymakers arriving.  They may not appreciate the unique scent of your beloved pet.  It may help to open the windows to air the room(s) Fido has been occupying.   Finally, please ensure all dirty dishes, cutlery etc are placed in the dish washer before you leave.  If you can remember to switch it on so much the better.  This will save us some valuable time when preparing for the next guests.

Hot Tub and Sauna -The hot tub and Sauna are available whenever you want to use them (within reason)!  They are great fun and we are sure you will enjoy using them.  The Hot Tub and Sauna are both situated at the top end of the garden overlooking the beautiful countryside.  It is a lovely quiet spot away from the main house but we would ask you to be mindful of our neighbours if you plan to enjoy a bit of Hot Tub star gazing etc. late at night, or early morning bird watching.

Please note the following regarding the use of the hot tub and Sauna:

Please avoid using glass or sharp objects near the hot tub.  Plastic glasses are provided in the garden room for use in and around the hot tub area. Please read the notices for both the hot tub and sauna before use and ensure all users are aware of, and follow the rules. Users must shower before entering the hot tub water to rinse off creams and makeup. Children must be accompanied and/or supervised by an appropriate adult at all times when using the Hot Tub and Sauna.

Children - Guests are responsible for the safety and security of their children at all times. Never leave children without adult supervision.

Barbecue - There is a great barbecue situated at the top of the garden for your use and enjoyment during your holiday. Please use the barbecue utensils provided.  The utensils can be found in the cupboard under the sink in the Garden Room.  We would be really grateful if you could and clean the barbecue after use. 

Logs and Kindling - There is a supply of wood available for use with the barbecue and log fires (living room and garden room).  Please follow the instructions for use provided and ensure there is a suitable person (adult) responsible at all times.  Further logs etc can be purchased locally in required. It might be a good idea to have the fire blanket to hand … just in case! 

Parking  - There is parking available for two mid size vehicles at Highfield House.  Please ensure your vehicle does not protrude over the public footpath as you may incur the wrath of the traffic wardens.  Don't forget you're in Yorkshire - where the traffic wardens have ninja powers!  If you need additional parking space there are usually plenty of unrestricted kerbside spaces and/or cheap public parking spaces within easy walking distance of Highfield House. 

Volume Control - We love our village.  Please respect the community and try to keep noise levels to a minimum, especially between 11 pm and 8 am.


Unreasonable Behaviour - Please do enjoy yourselves but don't spoil it for others.  We reserve the right to terminate a holiday without compensation where the unreasonable behaviour by the persons named on the booking, or their guests/visitors may impair the enjoyment, comfort or health of others.

Candles - scented or otherwise are not allowed anywhere on the premises.  If you fancy an exotic aroma to enjoy whilst luxuriating in the deep bath spray some of your favourite perfume around beforehand.  You may not get the glow of the candle but it will smell great!

Feedback and Thoughts - Please take a few minutes before you leave to write in our guest book.  It is really important to us to know about your holiday experience at Highfield House.  We are always delighted to hear about the many things that have delighted our guests; but it is also for us to hear about the things you think we can improve.  


Complaints - We continuously try our very best to meet and wherever possible exceed the expectations of our guests at Highfield House.  If for any reason you believe we have failed in any way to meet your reasonable expectations during your stay please do let us know immediately in order for us to either put it right immediately or to fix it as soon as possible.  

The WOW factor - Our aim is to provide you with a holiday experience that makes you say “WOW”!  It is very special to us and we hope, having enjoyed your time at Highfield House you feel the same way too.  We will contact you soon after you return home to ask for your feedback so that we can continue to learn and make improvements for the future.


And finally…

Having reached this far you will be pleased to know you have covered all you need to know.  Now it is time to sit down with a nice cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit and dream about Highfield House.  If you need any further information or if you want to check anything with us beforehand drop us a line or give either Anne or myself a call.  Our numbers are on the website.  


Whenever you are ready to book your Highfield House holiday we will be waiting for you.

Brian & Anne Sweeney 
BABECS Properties Ltd.


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